Chat, connect, collaborate in real-time with neetoChat

Live Chat

Chat with your customers live and help them find what they're looking for.

Customize Chat Widget

Customize the style of your chat widget to match your brand.

Pre Chat Questions

Ask relevant questions to your customers so that the agents have the necessary information.

Post Chat Questions

Ask for feedback about the service and other questions at the end of the chat.

Full History of Chat

Full history of chat is kept so that you can run analytics as far back as you want.

Canned Responses

Save time and send predefined replies for common questions with just one click.

Rich Messages

Send emojis, videos and audio files to your customers to have an engaging conversation.


Tags ticket to apply automation rule, to filter and to better manage tickets.

Private Notes

Record notes in the chat or add notes about customer for future references and to serve the customer better.

Online Offline Status

Agents can change their status to be online or offline.


Use Automation rules to route conversations, update ticket status and more.

Ticket Creation

Quickly create tickets from the chat itself.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Quickly execute commands by using keyboard shortcuts.


Make your support process effective and improve efficiency integration with other products.

Knowledge Base Articles

Write relevant help articles in Knowledge Base to cut down incoming chats.

Mobile App

With iOS and Android apps you can chat with your customers anytime anywhere.

Google Sign In

Force all your agents to login using google login and make your organization more secure.

Verify Via OTP

Security is furthered strengthened by asking agents to enter OTP every time they login.

SSL Encryption

SSL encryption ensures secure and private communication, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access.

Mobile Apps

Never miss an opportunity to help your customers. neetoChat will help you to connect with your customers from anywhere and anytime.

App Store
Google Play

Ready to get started?