Knowledge Base Articles

Creating relevant help articles in the knowledge base can reduce incoming tickets and improve customer support. The articles give customers easy access to information on common issues and procedures, reducing the need to contact agents. It saves time and increases customer satisfaction. neetoKB, available in the suite of neetoProducts, can be used to create these articles.

Knowledge Base Articles

How can you create knowledge base articles in neetoDesk?

When you set up neetoDesk, you gain access to all neeto products within the same organization. To create knowledge base articles, simply click on the product switcher icon, which allows you to access neetoKB. Once in the KB, you can craft and customize help articles according to your organization's specific needs, ensuring your customers have easy access to valuable information and resources.

Can customers create tickets from neetoKB in case they don’t find the solution for the issue they are facing?

Yes, the customer can raise tickets from neetoKB in case they don’t find the solution for their issue. neetoKB supports ticket creation using a web form that allows the customer to create a ticket by filling out the form.

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